The Girl With A Computer Science Degree!

She is known by many roles… a student of a goddess, a friend, a hero, and- someone with an addiction to air-fryers? Jova is the leader of the four main heroines who protect the world of Astra from its many foes under its goddess, be they corgis who want to take over the multiverse, dark magic made into a being to destroy the planet itself, or invaders from whole other worlds. Each of the four heroines have made it their duty to protect what they care for by finding what they have truth in, from caring for others as well as the nature to a will to make those who misuse power be judged. In the case of Jova, her truth is one of love for life, and such truth is the emotion her goddess-given magic thrives off of, letting her use many spells to mess with someone’s senses via illusions, trances, and most especially, her telekinesis that can make temporary floating pieces of nearly invisible matter to move objects, make barriers, fly, trap others, and manipulate the very universe itself. She also has a Computer Science degree, which she herself thought was ironic given her magical talents, before she put the two into one. Jova has made the J.A.K.E (the Jazzy Amplification and Kilometer Extender), a yellow arm of metal that can magically extend with a slew of attack modifications at its end alongside a jazzy tune, the Gravity Faller, a metal sphere that can house any sort of weird illusion in it before showing such illusion on its own for a set amount of time, and last but not least, the Main Six, a magical bracelet that acts a container for six shrunken weapons and allows the user to switch between said weapons in a matter of milliseconds. Though her magnum opus is The Button... It’s like a phone to call the others with but magical!

Though, despite the nature of having matter itself as an ally, she did not always have magic and still has to learn how to better it, especially with the fact that she, as well as every magic user, only has so much Materia Potential (MP) to use, going over said limit then causing heavy damage to the body and perhaps soul of the user. Furthermore, she is still a normal girl by her own admission, one who will lore dump about Lego games and air-fryers as well as have doubts about herself. When first meeting Icetra, Rain, and Taura, she was far from any goddess, simply wanting to be away from home after actually getting the gender-affirming surgery she always wanted yet still being afraid of how others would see her. Though by being with the three, starting off as only strangers and with her slowly having come to terms with how she herself wanted to live regardless of other’s judgements, she got new friends who loved her new self for who she was and a new confidence in her own ability to live as who she wanted to be. Then, once the world needed a hero and a truth for her own power, she chose that will to live freely and happy as her one truth.

A pink anthro vixen doing a peace sign to the viewer.