The Forest Heroine!

Each person needs a heart, an empathy and caring for others as well as the Earth itself, one that manifests itself in an opening of one to their own flaws and doubts, or at least- that is what Rain believed for most of her life. She was raised by a group lost in the forest she'd call home rather than parents, being left at a young age near the town center before being found and helped into young adulthood with skills made from surviving near total isolation from the outside world. Though despite how that sounds, she and the many others are rather happy with the circumstances, perhaps even viewing themselves as deserving of it. Most people in the town know magic and have known it for their whole lives, being former rogues who attempted to steal the source of the forest's magic years ago, only to be trapped in the always changing paths. Though once working with one another as well as the magical nature within it, they began to live in tandem before finding their own lives inside, and Rain took these ideas to heart. Though she never really was a fighter, always seeing it as a last resort, she learned basic self-defense as well as basic spells to go with it, being able to sense living things around herself and keep track of threats nearing her or her allies by training nearly every day for years, and when she got blessed by a goddess to save the world, she a gained super strength and speed that could break the largest stones. With a slew of kicks and punches, often led into by hiding via nature to lunge out and attack, she has kept the forest safe from many villains who try to take the magic for themselves still, having the power and durability to keep her home safe time and time again.

She also has a talent for cooking, which she uses often to help new people who get lost in the forest and make treats for herself much of the time, alongside a near constant want to help others in any way she can. Though before her days of nearing the level of a goddess, Rain found the source of her power by wandering, finding out more of her home in strange temples and hidden parts of the grand forest, passing the ancient runes she knew so well for whatever of the outside world was left behind. Often things from outside the forest would get in through one way or another, then taken by the magic to be shifted around to all parts of the tress, making what began as a simple want to clean the forest of litter became a passion made by finding old VHS tapes, consoles, TVs, and anything else she could get her soft paws onto. Rain took what she saw as the technology of the future and brought it all home, making a whole room adorned to neon colors, a Sega Genesis, and tapes of all the media from modern devices she could emulate.

Cooking shows became places for new recipes as video games grabbed her attention immediately and radical shows made her immediately want to make new attacks, such as the Blossom Punch, a forward attack where she jumps to add momentum to seem as if she is flying with a red trail, Circular Destruction, a pair of attacks where she kicks her opponent upward to then jump up from under them to ram into their back as a spinning ball, and the Bit Kick, a slew of kicks that she counts in intervals of eight. Though one day, the tapes had something new. It was the same as many others mostly, being many TV shows and movies all on one tape, but one commercial caught her eye, advertising a way to your bloodline with one test. It was her chance to find out her parents and other jackalopes, so she rushed to book an Ober on her barely able to run the website computer and got to leaving the next day. Rain then met four of what would become her lifelong friends, having to be cramped into a car with them, fighting over aux cords and getting into small arguments. Though she helped them, as much as she could at least, trying to be caring even in the strange situation to try finding her parents. Through the strange technologies that made hers seem suddenly obsolete, new natures of vastly different parts of the world, and her own feeling of finally being able to have- a family- or perhaps just a normal one. Rain got closer to the people she was somewhat stuck with, knowing she was going to show her new friends her family at the end of their road trip.

Though once reaching her destination months later, she found the place she needed to go to, following the exact address of the commercial to only find a building made into rubble, leading to the reality that there wasn't an easy way to find out where she came from, that there wasn't anything perhaps left to find out. She was brought to tears, almost thinking the whole trip out of her one home was useless until her new friends comforted her, much like the town did all those years ago, making Rain know she already had a family in them, made by kindness for others. After a year with her new family and once the world needed a hero and a truth for her own power, she chose care of her world and the people in it, the wonder of life in its many forms as her one truth.

A brown anthro jackalope doing a kick to the viewer.